These days a growing percentage of books are being sold as eBooks, digital rights management (DRM) protected computer files that contain the entire book, from table of contents to charts and illustrations. Amazon Kindle Books and Barnes & Noble Nook Books Project Gutenberg books are available in a number of formats, including plain text files you can read with any word processing software, HTML files you can read using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or another web browser, and a wide selection of mobile apps, including Read2Go for Apple iOS and the Go Read app for Google Android. The collection currently includes over 47,000 public domain titles ranging from the Declaration of Independence, which was the very first Project Gutenberg submission, to the complete works of Homer, Shakespeare, Captain John Smith, and nearly all other writers whose works are in the public domain. Project Gutenberg, named in honor of Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the moveable type printing press, was founded in 1971 with the goal of making culturally important works of literature freely available to the public. In addition to recorded book collections for people who are blind or visually impaired, it's possible to obtain and access mainstream electronic books and periodicals.